real talk: taking off
the muzzle

October 27, 2024 | Issue #2

Vulnerability? Idk her.

I'm just playing, lol! I've been making a conscious effort to be more vulnerable in my art process and my relationships, and it’s very jarring but cool at the same time.

After one month in a new city, surrounded by new people, I realized how different it is to actually go out and create new relationships compared to always having my group of friends around like I did back at home. On top of that, I’m fighting the reserved part of myself that just wants to stay in and enjoy my own company. For a while, I’ve felt exhausted from constantly being out of my comfort zone, but it’s getting easier, and I’m loving the growth I’ve seen in myself and in my relationships.

In my efforts to be more open, I recorded a video discussing some of the lies I’ve told myself over the years and how I’m working to overcome them. Take a moment to listen and watch me work on my latest graphic, "Stand Tall."

Stand Tall series

This series started as an encouragement to myself (which is how most of my series begin), reminding me to be confident in my voice and my skills as an artist. It’s a strange and humbling experience to realize that I’ve been lacking confidence, especially after years of pursuing art and design with a clear sense of passion. For a long time, I just assumed confidence was there, nestled somewhere between my work ethic and my love for creating. But recently, I’ve come to understand that it wasn’t confidence driving me—it was determination. The difference is subtle but significant.

I'm still finding my footing and building confidence in God and in myself. However, I now know what confidence feels like, and that awareness has brought a whole new level of freedom and authenticity to my creative process.

I love the way these graphics have turned out; they’re a nice surprise that emerged from this journey of growing into my own person.

Timeless encouragement: “I cried out, “I am slipping!” but your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me. When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer." [Psalms‬ ‭94‬:‭18‬-‭19‬ ‭NLT‬‬]

mark your calendars!

  • November 10: [EXTENDED DEADLINE] My Street, My Story Competition submissions close

create something good!