SHUE, color matching card brand identity

brand identity, marketing materials






sneaker enthusiasts often collect high end sneakers such as jordans, yeezy, nike and adidas. Most of these sneakers are expensive so it's important for them to look their best in them. the shue tag uses monochromatic  and split-complementary color scheme to build a color style guide for sneaker collectors or anyone who's interested in sneaker fashion. This project also included a series of social media ads, posters and other marketing materials to promote the product.

the challenge was to design the brand and physical product that would work well with all the sneakers on the market and be easy for users to recognize and use.

SHUE Tag product mockup next to blue Air JordansSHUE tag product in blue Air Jordan boxSHUE converse social media graphicSHUE Yeezy social media graphicSHUE yellow Yeezy social media graphicSHUE social media GIF for shoe con campaignSHUE website mockupSHUE logo breakdown and variations